Make Renting Fair in Queensland

Make Renting Fair in Queensland

image of Make Renting Fair in Queensland

Make Renting Fair in Qld is an alliance of organisations which support progressive reform of our renting laws so that all Queenslanders can make the place they live in their home, whether they rent or own.


Make Renting Fair in Qld is an alliance of organisations which support progressive reform of our renting laws so that all Queenslanders can make the place they live in their home, whether they rent or own.


Sign the petition today!

Dear Minister Mick de Brenni MP,

I am supporting Make Renting Fair in Queensland's call for the Queensland Government to include the following changes in the rental laws you are currently preparing:

- Require renters to request a pet in writing through an official process
- Require property owners to provide a reasonable objection if they want to refuse a pet
- End blanket bans by real estate agents on pets in rental properties
- Create a fair process for renters, property owners and agents to resolve issues around pets
- Do not require renters to pay additional bonds to keep a pet

These changes will give many Queenslanders the chance to love a pet as part of their household and they will save thousands of animals from abandonment and death when renters move house. It is the fair thing to do.